Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Counseling for DMFD students

My students at the ITU should still use Technorati to keep track of their course blogs, but unfortunately there is no way you can force Technorati to show your blog right away unless you chose to add your blog to your Technorati favorites. So go ahead, add the dmfd_f2007 tag and.... wait.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The vagaries of submitting your stuff to peer review. 'Nuff said

Fifth-Grade Science Paper Doesnt Stand Up To Peer Review

The Onion

Fifth-Grade Science Paper Doesn't Stand Up To Peer Review

DECATUR, IL-A three-member panel of 10-year-old Michael Nogroski's fellow classmates at Nathaniel Macon Elementary School unanimously agreed Tuesday that his 327-word essay "Otters" did not meet the requirements for peer approval.